Children of Job: Where Faith & Hubris Meet
Jobcast: Fathoming God
Jobcast # 31: Controlled Demoralization

Jobcast # 31: Controlled Demoralization

with Steven DeLay

Talking to Steven DeLay, on life at Oxford and Rice university religion dept., anecdotal evidence of conspiracy, shard backgrounds in the elite, complicity vs. conspiracy, Erik Davis & Jeffrey Kripal as examples, Valhalla hang-out at Rice, the secrets of the heart, High Weirdness, why Davis and Kripal “don’t do conspiracy,” organized malevolence, grace of God within a satanic system, playing the system, Hollywood revelation for demoralization, Chinatown, what does damage to the system, why to write and what to communicate, when Kierkegaard meets Nietzsche, white ravens, fame and the loss of community, luminaries of history, personal immortality, the transparency of transhumanism, homosexual cliques and compromat in Oxford, Dirty Harry and the changing gay signifiers, erasing moral criteria, confronting Peter Levenda, the insider’s view, movies and the Nietzschean mind-set, Kubrick & Noland and the noble lie, a world of competing illusions, a nod to Kripal and Davis, meta-detachment, M…

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