Blood Libel Action (Ron Unz Vs. the Bolshy Jews)
Stories We Tell Ourselves or Stories We Are Ourselves, Part Ten
“You have to be inside the culture. . . . Jewish supremacists . . . think Jews are better than anyone else . . . that whole ‘chosen people’ doctrine. . . The fact that ‘chosenist’ doctrine was in some ways confirmed by the real life experience of Jews, in particular in the US, they enjoyed spectacular success, not just in business but in intellectual life, in cultural life, in every realm that so to speak ‘counts,’ they enjoyed spectacular success. So that confirmed for Jews their superiority. . . . The four great figures of modernity, Marx was Jewish, Einstein was Jewish, Freud was Jewish, and you could say Jesus was Jewish . . And we really internalized that.” —Norman Finkelstein, Bad Faith, 2024
Now that I am on this limb, allow me to slide a few inches further out by looking at (and giving air-time to) another “self-hating Jew,” the more-or-less fully out-the-closet Holocaust Denier,™ Ron Unz. Unz may be more responsible currently than any online presence for legitimatizing (and mainstreaming) Holocaust/World War Two revisionism, and for addressing the “JQ” in an unflinching, uncompromising, and seemingly fearless manner.
And for getting away with it.
This last point places him squarely under suspicion (in my mind) of being endorsed, if not actually steered, by hidden hands. And as it happens, Unz is a major financial donor to a number of political causes. (More on this later.)
In one installment of his hugely popular series, “American Pravda” (actually several, as one of Unz’s methods is to constantly recycle his own material into new pieces), Unz writes that Bolshevik leaders were “overwhelmingly Jewish,” including three of the five revolutionaries Lenin named as his successors. He adds that, although only 4% of Russia’s population is Jewish, “Vladimir Putin stated that Jews constituted perhaps 80-85% of the early Soviet government, an estimate fully consistent with the contemporaneous claims of Winston Churchill, Times of London correspondent Robert Wilton, and the officers of American Military Intelligence.”
He cites books by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Yuri Slezkine, and others to support his case, and adds for good measure: “prior to World War II, Jews remained enormously over-represented in the Communist leadership, especially dominating the Gulag administration and the top ranks of the dreaded NKVD.”
Reports of the overwhelmingly Jewish leadership of the Russian Bolsheviks are mostly treated as bigotry and paranoia, as are descriptions of the similar ethnic skew of America’s own Communist Party, let alone the heavy financial support of the Bolsheviks by Jewish international bankers. [Yet] Jews were obviously over-represented among Communist leaders by as much as 5,000%.
These, Unz stresses, are undisputed, if unpopular, historical facts. He cites them back to back, in order to create a context, and so present a narrative, of the sort that is guaranteed to make anyone who identifies as Jewish (or even with Jewishness) . . . extremely nervous.
Unz doesn’t try to sweeten the pill, either—au contraire. By combining “the relatively tiny size of worldwide Jewry, around 16 million prior to World War II,” with the fall-out of Bolshevism, he reaches
the inescapable conclusion [that] in per capita terms Jews were the greatest mass-murderers of the twentieth century, holding that unfortunate distinction by an enormous margin and with no other nationality coming even remotely close. And yet, by the astonishing alchemy of Hollywood, the greatest killers of the last one hundred years have somehow been transmuted into being seen as the greatest victims, a transformation so seemingly implausible that future generations will surely be left gasping in awe.
Unz here makes no bones (pun intended) about turning the tables on the ADL. This is an understandable strategy, but it is also possibly the surest way to keep the vicious schismogenetic warfare-lawfare circle turning.
Synagogue of Satan
“To question a survivor’s testimony, to denounce the role of Jewish collaborators, to suggest that Germans suffered during the bombing of Dresden or that any state except Germany committed crimes in World War II—this is all evidence, according to Lipstadt, of Holocaust denial. And to suggest that Wiesel has profited from the Holocaust industry, or even to question him, amounts to Holocaust denial. The most ‘insidious’ forms of Holocaust denial, Lipstadt suggests, are ‘immoral equivalencies’: that is, denying the uniqueness of The Holocaust.” —Norman Finkelstein, The Holocaust Industry (p. 70)
It gets worse. In “American Pravda: Oddities of the Jewish Religion,” Unz presents further evidence for the prosecution from the Talmud, via the books of Israel Shahak (specifically Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years, which comes with a foreword by Gore Vidal), of the following:
· Practicing Jews worship Satan (as well as Yahweh, sometimes side by side in the same synagogue)
· They practice sorcery as part of their rituals (the Golem being the most famous example)
· They describe goyim, non-Jews, as animals, fit only for killing or enslaving
· They believe Christian blood has special value in sorcery rituals, which Unz offers up as evidence for the centuries-long rumor (attributed to Christian paranoia, as was—falsely—the “satanic panic” of the 1970s) regarding “blood libel”: that Rabbinical Jews really did abduct and sacrifice Christian babies historically.
There’s not much that can really surprise me these days, but Unz’s summation of Shahak’s book succeeded. (If you are interested in reading it, there is a PDF here; The Talmud Unmasked brings together the most anti-Christian passages in the holy book of Judaism, see here or here (PDF.)
Unz has been accused of over-simplification, as in a 2018 Spectator article called “The curious case of Ron Unz,” which asserts that Unz’s “extraordinary claim that ‘religious Jews apparently pray to Satan almost as readily as they pray to God’” [is based] “solely on the word of a professor of organic chemistry.”
That would be Shahak, and the Spectator article conveniently leaves out that Shahak is also (known as) a “Holocaust survivor,” a civil-rights advocate, and an activist for both Jews and Gentiles (non-Jews), who headed the Israeli League for Human and Civil Rights for twenty years.
Which rather begs the question: who is over-simplifying whom?
Jewish Hegemonies Unacknowledged by History
“The Jew’s rejection of all nationalistic ideology is the principal source of his evolutionary quality and intrinsic value.” —Georg Hermann, Randbemerkungen (Marginal Notes) 1919
So long as we are examining the case for the prosecution, the following passage (from “The complicated relationship between the central bank owners and the Jewish people,” at Neoliberal Feudalism), citing an independent source, would seem to confirm Unz’s perfunctory summation of Talmudic inequities:
According to Elizabeth Dilling, who studied the first English translation of the Babylonian Talmud (only released in 1948 as the Soncino Edition—why so late?) for a dozen years, “the Talmud’s basic law is that only the Pharisee Jew ranks as a man or human being. All others rank as animals, ‘the people who are like an ass—slaves who are considered the property of the master.’” Indeed, in 2010 Israel’s top Sephardic rabbi declared that the only reason for the existence of non-Jews is to serve Jews. The attitude resulting from such teachings has always been resented by non-Jews, with such resentment portrayed by Jews as “persecution of the Jews.” Dilling adds, “The Bible under Talmudic Judaism is considered to be a collection of simple tales fit only for fools, women and children. The Talmud ‘sages’ thus must find new meanings in it by letter and number tricks which reverse the plain meaning and create out of it the permission to do otherwise forbidden crimes and misdeeds. The words of the Bible are continually misused and misquoted for purposes of blasphemy and reversal.”
I also read last week a book called Germany and the Jewish Problem, a short (85 pages) 1939 work by Friedrich Karl Wiebe, a book too obscure for either it or its author to get an official Wikipedia denunciation. Trigger warning, the book is sympathetic to National Socialism; but it doesn’t read like a hate-screed so much as a measured analysis as befits the title (a title only ominous with hindsight). On page 60, it cites an article by the Jewish writer Moritz Goldstein in the German Art magazine Der Kunstwart (March 1912), describing how Jews invaded “all branches of German cultural life and, as alert scholars, soon commenced to supplant their masters.” Goldstein continues:
“Jews suddenly filled all those positions which are not withheld from them by force, they have converted German aims and tasks into their own and they strive for them accordingly. It seems as if German cultural life were to be completely transferred into Jewish hands. This was neither anticipated nor desired by the Christians at the time they granted the pariah in their midst a share in European cultural life. They began to take defensive measures, they resumed their custom of calling us aliens, they commenced to regard us as a danger in the Temple of their Art. Consequently we are now faced by the following problem. We Jews guide and administrate the intellectual property of a nation which denies our qualification and competency to do so.”
(Diplomatic Interlude)
I am aware that citing material that might seem to “justify the Holocaust” can make people uncomfortable. All I can say in my “defense” is: imagine how it feels to be the one citing it!
It is useful also to consider that, while this current passage (citing Wiebe’s 1939 book) might surely be integral to understanding National Socialist philosophy and policy, regarding Jews, at a certain, undefined point this can become, appear to become, or start to be re-framed as, an attempt to reassert NS rationales, and thus as an apologia for the policies and philosophies.
Yet truth, as they say, fears no investigation. And likewise, the investigator must fear no truth.
(End interlude)
Wiebe confirms that
a retrospective examination of German intellectual life as it was before 1933 will corroborate Goldstein’s testimony. In all spheres, be it on the stage, in literature, music, painting and the plastic arts, be it in the film or, more recently, in broadcasting, Jews always occupied the leading positions, compelling all to follow their intellectual guidance (p. 60-61).
Apparently, this was quite an open rule at the time Hitler came to power, at least according to Goldstein, as quoted by Wiebe: “Nobody actually questions the power the Jews exercise in the press” (p. 62).
Wiebe argues that the Jewish preponderance was not, as one might at first assume, due to their intellectual superiority or greater talent, but
mainly the Jewish economic ascendency described above which lead to the establishment of their dominant position in German cultural life. This economic domination was the instrument to attain the practical application of their intellectual and cultural influence (p. 63).
Wiebe’s perspective—now banished from history—on the how, when, and why of the persecution of Jews in National Socialist Germany is as follows:
· “The Nuremberg Laws of 1935 formed the basis of a peaceful and orderly settlement of the Jewish question in Germany.”
· Jews unwilling to abandon their financial and cultural dominion without a struggle, since this was no longer possible in Germany itself, deliberately stirred up anti-German feeling abroad
· “By means of a consistently carried-out poisoning of the sources of public opinion, they [created] a caricature of National Socialist Germany . . . inflaming international opinion” and creating a movement against it.
· By boycotting German goods, they tried to cripple Germany economically (Wiebe, p. 84).
It is fairly easy to see why these historical facts have been stricken from the official record of World War Two, above all in relation to the Holocaust narrative that has been central both to the demoralization and “de-sovereigning” of Germany, and to the creation of the sovereign nation state of Israel.
(Over the Paywall: The Oddities of Ron Unz, Irving vs Lipstadt According to Unz, Unz Jumps the Guns?)