Continuing exegesis of Rene Girard’s Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World, on love of violence, owning violence in order to renounce it, Girard’s appeal for the intellect, what makes some Christians stupid, the intelligence of the heart, the internal accuser, the Cain implant > the Christ impulse, laying down the sword, picking up Girard’s pen, The Passion of the Christ, why Jesus died, violent movies, persecuted for having kittens, nihilism & apocalypse, violence from God or as an inevitable outcome of mimetic rivalry, climate change as secularized “wrath of God,” a deadly loss of meaning, the “pandemic” & religious zeal, life without God, Yahweh’s violence, metaphors for God, the limits of consciousness, God/love’s prime directive, non-impositional love, the best the Jews could do, between Satan & Christ, an absent Logos, a Heraclitean logos of violence, the sin of judgment = mimetic rivalry, Christianity & anti-Semitism, equally estranged from God, academia attacking sac…
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