Conversation with Thomas Milliary and Steven DeLay of Psyop Cinema, on the Donald Trump “assassination attempts” God & US partisan politics, when based became retarded, resurrection of the right-left paradigm, DJT as a force of chaos, election fakery, baby-truther stuff, Skull & Bones, Steven Colbert’s venture capitalists, Trump as Trojan Horse, conspiracy consciousness & Second Matrix, how much of a spanner was DJT in 2016, coopted-Zionism, the Justice league hard right, what left & right even mean, agreeing with BlueAnon, common law & natural law, Christian morality as original right-wing, orthodox vs. progressive Christianity, anachronism & Byzantine LARPing, facilitating wholeness, the Prince of the world, Russian-positivism, secular monarchy & Christian revival, Thomas Edison, monarchist pedophocracy, a time of lesser evils, social awareness, immanentizing the eschaton, theosis vs apotheosis, Eastern Orthodox dogma, a journey of theosis, salvation politics, overcoming death, th…
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