Children of Job: Where Faith & Hubris Meet
Jobcast: Fathoming God
Jobcast # 7: Into the Elemental (with Are Thoresen)

Jobcast # 7: Into the Elemental (with Are Thoresen)

Adversarial Entities & Healing Through Christ

Perhaps the most significant podcast opportunity so far, & much too important to put behind a paywall, hence I am making it free for all: a first pass over the elemental realms with author and healer Are Thoresen: on Luciferic, Ahrimanic, and Asuric adversarial entities, the root causes of disease, animal-healing, poison containers, & the Christ-solution.

With thanks to Luke Dodson for suggesting this interview, and to Adam Ormes for facilitating it. There’s no doubt at all in my mind that Are is the genuine article, and meeting him has already re-opened up my awareness to old/new possibilities. I hope there will be more such conversations to come.

Are’s books are listed here.

Children of Job: Where Faith & Hubris Meet
Jobcast: Fathoming God
Exegeting Religion & Excreting the BS