Looking Glass Wars: George Floyd Vs the People
Stories We Tell Ourselves or Stories We Are Ourselves, Part Seven
To paraphrase the most-quoted line in what was once my all-time favorite movie: “I’m gonna need a bigger boat.”
While I thought I was mapping Hell to find the exit, was I really trying to locate Hell’s headquarters and, like Job (sort of), demand an audience with the Head-Cheese?
Ah well, the life of a Bodhi Sattva (Bull Shit Belief System remover) is never done.
But what’s with my timing? I finally decide to get to the most suppressed story of all time, as a result of a whimsical decision to rewatch an old HBO Kenneth Branaugh movie which I remembered being pretty good (nothing to do with what’s happening on the geopolitical landscape, I swear), and then this happens:
The image comes from this week’s Superbowl ad/public service announcement:
Two things:
1) To me, “JewishHate” means Jews that hate, not Jews that are hated. Was this deliberately cunning on the part of someone, or just really stupid?
If there’s any doubt, the X account has the line, “Use the # to show solidarity for the #Jewish community and #StandUpToJewishHate.” Yet when the Superbowl ad shows protesters waving banners with the same slogan, how are we to know these banners aren’t held by Palestinians, using the phrase in a more grammatically correct manner?
2) Presumably the hashtag Hitlerwasright# is meant as an example of “Jewish Hate,” and the rest of this Hashtag would be “about the Jews.” Isn’t this perilously close to the sentiment being stirred up currently, in millions of people and extending far beyond 4chan and 8chan, by you-know-who, doing you-know-what, in you-know-where.
And, let’s be honest, a sentiment having little to do with “anti-Semitism.”
By all indications, and for a number of apparent reasons, there has been a push over the last few years (not to say decades) to create a real, honest-to-God, anti-Semitic, white supremacist, Neo-Nazi movement (or failing that, the impression of one).
Beyond the obvious ways in which a constant renewal of the victim card provides carte blanche to those (cough cough) beleagured defamed who can keep playing it, such a movement serves as a means to herd many “red-pilled” dissidents into it, and thereby have them embody the much-coveted (by social engineers) internal enemy of “domestic terrorism.”
All of which acts as justification for bringing the iron boot down on the face of everything.
Is it looking more and more like letting certain cats out of the WW2 bag is all part of the Plan? And does that mean I am all part of the Plan, too?
We are going to need a bigger boat.
Circular Evil
“‘Holocaust awareness,’ the respected Israeli writer Boas Evron observes, is actually ‘an official, propagandistic indoctrination, a churning out of slogans and a false view of the world, the real aim of which is not at all an understanding of the past, but a manipulation of the present.’” —Norman Finkelstein, The Holocaust Narrative (p. 41)
In October 2020, the Jewish Chronicle reported on their least favorite Jew:
American academic Norman Finkelstein has responded to Facebook and Twitter’s ban on Holocaust denial by saying he believes “that Holocaust denial should be taught in university and preferably by a Holocaust denier. . . . If one is committed to the purity of truth, not just in its wholeness but also in its parts, then a Holocaust denier performs the useful function of ferreting out ‘local’ errors, precisely because he is a devil’s advocate—that is, fanatically committed to ‘unmasking’ the ‘hoax of the 20th century.’”
One might legitimately ask if Finkelstein intended those second scare quotes (or requested them), or not. Either way, his point is a sound one, and it was of course roundly ignored (save as evidence of him being a “self-hating Jew”).
One thing that Holocaust Deniers™ point out about the Holocaust narrative is that it cannot really explain why the Nazis™ put so much of their resources, energy, finances, and manpower into destroying millions of allegedly powerless Jews, rather than simply banishing them, imprisoning them, sterilizing them, and/or working them to death in the internment camps. So much so, that it risked losing the war (and in fact lost it).
The only way to account for this historical anomaly is by arguing that the Nazis™ were Evil™—so thoroughly evil, in fact, that they were basically insane, and just couldn’t help themselves. (Though don’t bother trying to get an insanity defense as a Holocaust denier.)
This is a curiously circular (and somehow fantastic) form of storytelling.
The planned extermination of the Jews is, after all, what makes the Evil of the Holocaust so singular. And yet, it is the singularity of the Nazis’ evil that caused them to try to exterminate the Jews . . . ?
Oddly enough, the same kind of “reasoning” that is applied to Nazis (that they are evil because they exterminated the Jews, and exterminated the Jews because they are evil) also seems to extend to Holocaust Deniers™. What could motivate a researcher to question the Holocaust narrative, after all, when they stand to lose their jobs, their marriages, and even their freedom? Why on earth would anyone risk so much to try to get to the truth of a mere historical event?
The only possible explanation is that they are hate-driven anti-Semites and Neo-Nazis.
Are we through the looking glass yet?
Such circular, oxymoronic logic is indeed necessary, because the only alternative (that I can think of) is that these researchers—even if they are making mistakes—are sufficiently committed as researchers to keep trying to get to the bottom of a mystery, no matter the repercussions to themselves.
It’s actually rather more complicated than this, however, as we shall see. Although it seems improbable to me that mere “anti-Semitism” would inspire the sort of tireless and dogged research that is required for Holocaust denial, it does seem as though such research can, and sometimes does, lead inexorably to something that looks and sounds a lot like anti-Semitism/Neo-Nazism.
This is because it can lead the unprepared researcher to an up-is-down, black-is-white, through-the-looking-glass worldview, in which “Hitler was right,” and what he was right about was, uh, you know, those people.
Cut to: George Floyd
But I fear I am getting perilously close to the hot, raging core of this whole volcano (or the cheesy head of this hellacious boil). So let’s take several steps back, and a leap forward in time, to a milder and more current area of (still-extreme) contention: that of the alleged murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, and the resultant centralization of the #BLM movement and the defunding of police, in the US and beyond.
A few weeks ago, I watched an excellent documentary called The Fall of Minneapolis.
The documentary is structured around actual footage of the arrest, attempted seizure, and resulting death of George Floyd, at the hands of several police officers. For this reason (though I am aware that footage can be deep-faked), I will refer to the footage as indicating what actually happened, in contrast to “the official George Floyd narrative.”
What this documentary shows, to me, and the reason I am digressing to discuss it, is a blueprint for social engineering via the creation of false narratives.
The main points in brief:
· George Floyd, a black man, died on the streets of Minneapolis while being arrested by several police officers (some white, one oriental, and one, the arresting officer, half-Black).
· The footage that was released appeared to show that he was deliberately choked to death by one of the officers.
· The footage and accompanying news reportage caused a public outcry against police racism and power abuse that led to massive rioting, looting, violence, and the burning of buildings.
· The Black Lives Matter group grew overnight from a minor organization into a worldwide movement that (I would guess) generated billions of dollars.
· The public officials (the mayor, chief of police, and other administrative elites), in an attempt to placate the public and express support for Floyd, allowed the rioting to continue unchecked.
· This official acquiescence culminated with the handing over of an entire police precinct to rioters.
· The police officers involved in Floyd’s death were charged and prosecuted; one of them was sentenced to over twenty years in jail.
· Before the trial even reached a verdict, the Floyd family was awarded $27 million in damages.
· Several locations in Minnesota were renamed after Floyd, to commemorate his “tragic” death/racist murder.
The documentary shows all of this from a new angle. It depicts an administrative elite working behind the scenes on the illegitimate representation of a victim (Floyd), the scapegoating of several (relatively) innocent police officers, and the use of an ideological movement to justify a number of radical social and political changes, under the guise of anti-racism, liberal humanitarianism, and the prevention of power abuse (“Never again”).
It clearly shows that Floyd, as seen in the body camera footage, was neither innocent nor a victim, but an unusually large, muscular black man and chronic drug abuser. That he was clearly out of control when the police attempted to arrest him (for using counterfeit bills, also caught on camera, though we can’t be sure about these initial charges). That the medical report shows that the most likely cause of his death was a Fentanyl overdose (he can be seen swallowing evidence before and during his arrest) while the police were attempting to get him into the back of a police car and Floyd was struggling relentlessly. (He had also reputedly just had covid, hence his difficulty breathing.)
After the arresting officers were charged for the “racist murder” of this tweaker-turned-saint, many other officers understandably quit their jobs, not just in disgust but because it made it effectively impossible for them to do those jobs. The City began a rapid defunding of the police, a policy that extended beyond Minneapolis to other parts of the US, and that led to heavily increasing crime rates and to massive (clearly intentional) social destabilization.
This push towards social chaos was ritualized—and facilitated—by the unprecedented administrative act of handing over a police station (Precinct 3) to violent rioters, in a means of pacification that was also an implicit call to anarchy. The shift in power in Minnesota was also ritualized via the renaming of locations after Floyd, as if to symbolize the creation of a “new nation-state.”
Does any of this ring any bells?
Unlike the Holocaust™, the “George Floyd murder” was indisputably a hoax. It involved the cynical exploitation of a genuinely “tragic” (i.e., deadly) event. It required suppressing a major body of evidence (the camera footage and testimonies of the police actually involved, and even some civilian witnesses, as seen in the footage). The void of the suppressed evidence was filled via the use of a few carefully selected items of evidence, strategically rearranged to create the impression of something that seemingly (I would say observably) never happened (Floyd’s racially-motivated murder).
The false narrative was intentionally and strategically used to incite a powerful emotional reaction. The energy of outrage (“Never again”/“Say the name!”) led to several days of rioting throughout the city: to actual violence as a self-righteous, illegitimately “justified” reaction against the presumption of racial violence/injustice.
The violence of the mob was harnessed and directed, then—both visibly by the administrative elite, and less visibly by the authorities directing them—for social re-engineering under the guise of anti-racism, humanitarian values.
Most essential of all to this strategy of tension and inversion, the offender (Floyd) was rebranded as innocent victim, while the relatively innocent (beleaguered cops trying to do their job) were framed as murdering racists.
Wolves in sheep’s clothing, creating sheep in wolves’ clothing.
Two factions, if you will, in the general populace of the US, are now holding directly opposing views of history. And both sides are ready to go to war over it.
(Over the Paywall: Whiteness = psychopathy, criminalization of Holocaust denial defence/legislating history, how real Neo-Nazis are created out of honest researchers.)