An online video men’s meeting (“the Manopticon”) have been happening regularly on Fridays at 6 pm UK time on Jitsi. They are free to paid subscribers
24-48 hours’ sobriety (including no tobacco) prior to meeting is required to attend. Prescription meds are allowed.
More info here:
Mixed meetings sometimes happen also if and as anyone asks for it.
An Oz-time-zone-friendly meeting on Saturdays at around 9 am UK time will happen whenever there are enough sign-ups.
I am also doing regular “X Spaces” at 6 pm UK time as a way to meet people.
Hello, I’m writing on August 5th, wondering if you have any more men’s meetings scheduled?
Currently the winning slot for online meets is 6:30 pm UK time, Thursdays or Fridays
I am curious that almost a year ago, I posted a note about such meetings and lots of people said they wanted to attend; yet so far none of those people AFAIK have responded to the current invitations. Are you still out there & if so what has changed?