Children of Job: Where Faith & Hubris Meet
Jobcast: Fathoming God
Seen & Not Seen Audio Book

Seen & Not Seen Audio Book

+ half price on all audio books for paying subscribers

I am finally getting around to reading Seen and Not Seen as an audio book. This means all of my later books besides Paper Tiger (soon to come) and Dark Oasis are now available (half-price for paid subscribers). SANS first part is available for download below (behind the Paywall) in lieu of this week’s Jobcast.


Seen and Not Seen, Vice of Kings, Big Mother: 20 euro/10 euro

Prisoner of Infinity (with extras): 22 euro/11 euro

16 Maps of Hell: 24 euro/12 euro

The Kubrickon: 18 euro/9 euro

Homo Serpiens: 12 euro/6 euro

Regular subscribers can purchase any three for 55 euro via Paypal here (or save 1 euro by sending as “gift” to my email at PP). Paid subscribers should use latter method with a note in the payment about what it is for.

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Children of Job: Where Faith & Hubris Meet
Jobcast: Fathoming God
Exegeting Religion & Excreting the BS