Mar 27Liked by Jasun Horsley

I found Mackendrick's quote about the necessity of the Incredible Thing taking place off-stage particularly interesting. I've watched many films about the Holocaust, and yet, I can't remember ever seeing the gassings depicted. The closest it ever got was that scene in Schindler's List when the prisoners are brought into the showers and the showers end up being just that - showers. The producers/directors act like the inside of the "gas chambers" are the equivalent of the Holy of Holies that none but the high priest can enter without dying.

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Polarities are an over simplified way of looking at the world. Dualistic thinking has always been a problem, and there are long known workarounds to prevent it. Triads, for one example. They allow you to begin to see the world in a full spectrum. It's not justice Or mercy, it is justice on one end of a spectrum, and mercy on the other. The ancients had many ways tohelp prevent this. "know thyself" above the door of the temple of apollo. "the unexamined life is not worth living"- Socratese. Internal self reflection and acceptance of of true responsibility. The abrahamic religions truncate the thought into good versus evil. It took them a thousand years to enforce that great reset onto the world. They broke humanity with it. They had no right. scapegoat religions did exist, yes, but not all of them were.

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Mar 30Liked by Jasun Horsley

How many cruxes can one include in a thread dissecting a single historical event! Jeez Louis... You hardly had any interest in the subject untiil a few days ago. Give us a break!

Those who turn the other cheek will be wiped out and the powers that shouldn't be will wipe their efforts from history. They won't even serve as an example. No one will know of them. Perhaps, that's the way to go. Feels right. Just. With a clear conscience, hands clean. Nevertheless, a valiant struggle, doomed to failure, feels like a valid, and even a desirable, option. That's probably cultural conditioning speaking, but also true of my nervous system's priming.

As far as evidence points, JC TM never said 'Turn the other cheek', it's missing in the oldest extant New Testament written in Greek from 10th Century. 'He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her' should be enough as a message that none of us should act as judge, jury and executioner because WE ARE ALL SINNERS. Turning the other cheek smells of propaganda which suits the power structure. Turn the other cheek also sounds like take it up the arse and even if you don't enjoy it accept it, with all it's consequences. This only makes sense if you don't want anything up your buttholio.

Christianity, just like Buddhism, became state sanctioned and promoted religion/philosophy at the height of empire. I seriously doubt that Ashoka/Constantine were true believers/followers, but rather promoted pacifist belief systems to consolidate brutal stranglehold on power ensuring servility and subservience. Think hippies. They were created by the military industrial complex to assuage the genuine anti-war sentiment/movement

None of the above relates specifically to the Illuminati-Nazi-Anglo American-Zionist-Sino Confucian-Hindu Nationalist-Al Qaeda-central banksters. They're all cunts. Just typing out loud the conundrum we face. History books serve us to learn how we've been lied to. The why is obvious. Disempowerment through confusion of lies. The solution? Faith and patience? I'd prefer a stand-off. But that could be the conditioning talking. How can one win when neither violence nor acceptance suffice? Exempt oneself? How, when the system is in us and surrounds us? It's all pervasive.

I'd love a meaningful stand-off. High intensity, like a cornered wild animal (boar comes to mind) with a focus of a Zen master. Nervous system clear and sensitive to every movement, smell, vision microscopic. Shouting 'Fuck' or 'Death to' x, y, z. I always die in that scenario. I'm so much of a product that even despite my best efforts I can't even win in my imagination. Of course that's the case. My inner world has been colon-ised.

No fucking surprise totalitarian ideologies have adherents, National Socialism and/or Zionism. They offer security which is impossible to come by. 'Death to the desire for inner and outer security!' I holler, as I call for a pint to assuage my feelings of dread knowing it won't resolve nuffink.

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May 1Liked by Jasun Horsley

I only had time to read about a third of this well thought out and expressed article and I commend you for doing the work.

It's been apparent to me that we in the US have been spoon fed lies since the beginning and the truth regarding Hitler is often the opposite of what we've been told.

You may find these quotes to be of interest.:

“… this entire myth, so prevalent then and even now about Hitler, and about the Japanese, is a tissue of fallacies from beginning to end. Every plank in this nightmare evidence is either completely untrue or not entirely the truth.

If people should learn this intellectual fraud about Hitler's Germany, then they will begin to ask questions, and searching questions…”

Murray Rothbard, Revisionism for Our Time

Mr. Rothbard was Jewish American and an historian of the very highest caliber.


“The History of our Revolution will be one continued lie from one end to the other.”

—John Adams Letter to Benjamin Rush, 4 April 1790*

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Also, you should look into "the transfer agreement" and the millions of german people that were deliberately starved to death After the war. By the USA. Hitler was just another political hack. If he was legit, he'd never have got that much funding from wall street.

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The polarity was set up in the abrahamic religions themselves. think about it. there were sacrifices in the ancient faiths, but they were not for sins. they were the cycles of time, like winter, and spring. The Buffalo, are not scapegoats, for instance. Baldur, Dionysus. The dualistic thinking good and evil is in the faith and cannot be removed. Good and evil are rigid concepts, in flexible unsubtle. The native Americans have a different style, Life affirming or non life affirming. (death can affirm life, be in the service to life). there is no shame involved. the toxic shame is the real problem here i think. the whole community must learn to be responsible for their own actions, to mature, to learn and grow from mistakes. in the old faiths the Heroes were very flawed. they were tasked to rise above this. to make amends for their wrongs. when did this Not be a good idea? dualistic thinking is a gross oversimplification of reality. this is why triad are employed, to break the pattern that is so easy to fall into.

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This fabulous erudite and magisterial gentleman ..Jason...has a soft spoken mildly depressive manner of speaking..but he so far as we recently have experientially verified..never recoils in. horror or blanches ..backs away from...or disingenuously circumlocute s ...as in demonstrably politically correct timorousness..to that which he knows is ..wrong..not thought out..or what others might call a garden variety cheap shot he challenges that..rips into it just when you thought he was falling asleep!......In short and in fact Jason gets up and on with it! Yes he absolutely does..No bovine timorous sort of fellow....a finessed speaker thinker he proves himself to be..there's fire over there not just smoke. Jason consistently posits high quality probing thought provoking deeper themes and yes..more questions about the putative..or so falsely called facts about a supposedly settled issue.This ,even though we who write are clearly athletic intellectual Non pacifist non sectarian Christians..reminds us of the Buddhist and daoists question..where does the soul end or begin? Anyway..yeah..we enjoy ,not so much too much about the book of Job..but Jason s ambient aesthetically proper lines of inquiry.. Jason is of course..never boring.. yes....That means we like his podcasts.Give em hell Jason. Don't. ever Stop.

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Interesting. Thanks.

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FIne article as are the comments.

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