Feb 24Liked by Jasun Horsley

Bravo! Great conversation

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this talk had so many elements that i’d like to comment on. so…

electrical infrastructure weakness. yes! i did telecom civil engineering for 15 years and the (woke) mba-ism ideology have eviscerated both the civil engineering groups and the construction departments in telecom and elsewhere because they are (arbitrarily) put on the cost side of the company’s books and so best reduced and/or removed. i attended a corporate christmas party in which the host, representing his very large north american electrical company, was licking his corporation’s chops because none of the electrical infrastructure built in the usa in the 40 and 50s and 60s has been maintained and is getting ready to fall down. the cost minimalist-profit maximisers continue to find reasons for big personal bonuses by underfunding or removing the real world elements that make the society work. This contractor’s hope was that when the infrastructure actually began to fall down then it will be repaired and they will be in position to become rich. personally i think he was optimistic that they would be getting the contracts because the money was going to be going to other more important things and by the time it fell down the means to repair would be lacking. now, post jabberwanky, the skilled workforces required to do that will be reduced by the early deaths of both the old experienced and the young apprentices. hmmmm.

it is indeed fragile, as jk points out. i mention this because he is one of the very very few people in the ‘freedom’ side of things i've heard talk about this aspect of our tech society. the big talk is oil and banking and no one notices the telephone or utility poles or wires that are making all of this work. or wondering who, how that ‘stuff’ gets installed let alone maintained and repaired. it is part of an invisible tech magic even more in the collective shadow than chemicalised cafos and mono-culture cropping. so funny, to me, that all those wireless towers connect to the controlling switches by fibre glass ‘wires’ in the ground or on poles and towers that no one saw until 5g became a perceived weapon.

in an odd synchronicity this morning i listened to tom luongo (i've not met before) talk with mel k about the fragility of the city of ny, as an example, to the truckers. truckers as people are connected to the real bolts and nuts of what goes into the life-blood of keeping a city alive. they have been nice, so far, with all the craziness, tl argues. he is suggesting that they are getting pissed and will allow their real wolf nature to show and stop everything by simply stopping. “mel k & tom luongo – the comfortable wolves are starting to stir” https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/mel-k-tom-luongo-the-comfortable-wolves-are-starting-to-stir/

also interesting in hour jobcast was how quickly robespierre and the jacobin’s collapsed. how? by the comical in your face humour of throwing food. (jk talked about the importance of humour and hinted that it might be a metaphysical ‘spirit’ kind of thing.) this brought to mind how nicolae ceausescu went from addressing a properly controlled audience one day to dead 5 days letter. how? someone laughed at the open air venue and then the second person laughed. then everyone laughed. ceausescu had no means to deal with that, fled the balcony and was subsequently hunted down and killed within five days. james corbett talks about this as part of how powerful the bystander is: the first bystander to act, speak or laugh, has the great courage to begin the process and what is required more than the leader’s courage is the courage of the first follower to also act, speak, or laugh. (corbett also comments that the bystander effect has been misrepresented in our history to further create the idea that we are powerless.)

the bystander effect – #solutionswatch

by corbett | oct 20, 2021 | solutions watch | 144 comments


interview 1820 – james corbett on the weaponization of psychology


last speech of nicolae ceaușescu, 21. december 1989


humour! the great weapon. (and in an odd synchronicity an old corbett topic was delivered to my email this morning with the subject line: “satire is dead (2018) the corbett report feb 24.) was he being ironical? i haven’t jumped into it yet.

on the expressed shock that it is the educated who have been most successfully brainwashed, orson welles’s 1930s broadcast of war of the worlds was a great example of just that very ‘thing’. the panic of new yorkers from the fake newscast has been misrepresented by our history books to scrub from the story that it was the educated middle class who fled the burning city without any signs of smoke or fire. the working people, ie people who were closest to the reality of physical requirements of hands on tools and/or in the earth, who didn’t panic.

about halfway through the jobcast you and jk both comment on death as the great fear that grips us in a way that helps bring us into mass psychosis. i have stopped thinking that. actually the greater fear is that of being responsible for being alive. being responsible for our own life and how the life of our communities comes from ourselves. fear of death is the by-pass of that fear. shortly after you guys talked about fear of death jk inferred that a big (bigger?) fear is of personal responsibility by the desire to remain adolescent and irresponsible — my paraphrase.

i like that jk is he’s optimistic because truth/reality is stronger than falsehood. i concur. the increasing panic of the dems in the usa and the reactivity of the weffies, the whooters and the like are increasingly disclosing to the world their actions because their ungrounded plans aren’t going according to plan. these are signs familiar to me from when the mba’s latest and greatest plan within my old corporation showed itself with greater and greater visibility to have been a failure: double down and go crazy especially with silly condescendingly stupid propaganda! like the dems who are now becoming desperate to save their lives from the lies that are being outed, so to the ptb’s lies. they still have lots of power there and things will become a mess before it gets better. a pause, as jk, puts it, after the destruction that is yet to happen. interesting. the power and strength of life, the energy of life, is far stronger than all the structures on the shaky scaffolding of lies and will continue after the scaffolds fall down. is that the real metaphysics, prana, or life-force, as nietzsche called it? the energy of life behind what we see as life as truth with a room full of rueful and satiric humour?

as to this life energy thing in we humans. it may be that it is something like the quantum behaviour of electrons, for example: we can determine that they exist at certain frequencies as a kind of particle around atoms, and that they move from one frequency to another to another without need to be between them. is human consciousness something similar? always in the process of quantum leaps forward and backwards with some kind of strange attractor towards, perhaps, greater consciousness without actually existing in distinct and measurable places/spaces? lol! so funny. life really does have a wicked sense of humour. if it isn’t comprised of anything else, it most certainly contains that.

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Feb 24Liked by Jasun Horsley

Just wanna say, depends on the Marxists you speak with, what their reaction might be to straight talk? (I lived with a group of them and "racsim" came up (15 years ago~)). There were people already starting training and groups for "anti-racism," which is a cult.

I said "Of course I'm a racist." (P.S. doesn't mean you're a bigot nor a hater). "I read Darwin. Traits are passed down from parent to child and separate breeding populations exhibit diversity from other separate breeding populations, which can be quanitfied. Human is like any animal."

This just enraged them. They didn't back down at all. I thought that would happen, but no, it added to the fuel. Maybe the reaction depends on what level of Marxist / activist you're dealing with? How weak or dilute are their convictions / training? - as the case may be? You'd be surprised. There was no backing off. The hatred for "whites" is very real and doesn't seem to cool, even when the political activists themselves are "white." lol

They want revenge, just as they claim DJTrump wants.

Yes, French Revolution times do come to mind.

The hate of the people I've encountered fails to be ameliorated by anything. (And they are less than widely educated, needless to say?) We didn't even get to the part of the conversation where I would've said "diversity is a good thing, between groups; 'specialization'." - It happens in Nature; part of the genius (genus) spirit of creative life; expressive of freedom and of adaptation, that power of life creates various talents and qualities. There is always a need for compensation in Nature. One talent/ virtue might of necessity - limit the expression of another or others, so variety is needed for full diversity. Only the Chimera, a monster, has all qualities; coinsidentally an emblem of the satanists? Pan is a demon.

Marxists fail to desire specialization. Per older Marxist writing I recently looked at. ("Frederick Engels on Feuerbach") (Is that why all the Chinese intellectuals were sent to farms to die, during Mao's cultural revolution? ) Roles are interchangable - men can become women. Just call someone a "Judge" and they can do the job? Marxists here appear to be working by the same playbook? Seems Feuerback wouldn't write "male" or "female," just 'persons,' as today the cancel crowd objects to "ladies and gentlemen." They want roles for males and females to be "equal" un-differentiated? Ironic; the application of their theories, laid down so long ago, serves to limit diversity, while they claim to be its champion. Ironic . Ironic also, since Feuerbach allegedly idolized and worshipped Nature?

Doubt I'll read more of that; it's gibberish until you realize they are absolutely serious; Hard to believe.

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Feb 25Liked by Jasun Horsley

Always a great guest. A genuine pleasure listening to this conversation.

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in stream comment - about cities.

on the re-birth of bogota. a greatly inspiring view that goes to jk's point about 'charm'. what becomes clear is that 'charm' arises with courage and truth, or, perhaps, the courage to express with words and action truth.

Cities on Speed: Bogota Change / The Inspiring Story Antanas Mockus

[Enrique Peñalosa]


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Super! Thank you both.

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Mar 3·edited Mar 3

I like listening to straight talking Americans and I am sorry so many of them are now unhealthy because of their society. We, in the UK are going the same way with larger Dr's practices and the pushing of junk food.

Whilst his forecast of a smaller, more old fashioned world going forward sounds possible, I can't help thinking that we are in a planned collapse so the next stage is also ready and waiting in the wings. That might be individuals living in communities but all linked in to a one world authority run by the usual suspects. All for our own good, of course and for world peace. If they don't have enough power they can ration it or tap in to our own energy. Sounds like a novel waiting to be written. Maybe it already has. "Brave New World"?

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Enjoyed this discussion Jasun. I’d love to hear you talk to fellow Brit author, Darren Allen about collapse and have some deeper discussions about the idea of ‘self’. His thought process is very similar to yours. If haven’t heard of him before, he has his several books and his own substack blog called the ‘expressive egg’ (https://expressiveegg.substack.com/) where you can find some of his writings.

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Oh dear.......Mr Kunstler is a Trumpster. Cover blown.

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