Children of Job: Where Faith & Hubris Meet
Jobcast: Fathoming God
Jobcast # 17: Skullfucked Planet

Jobcast # 17: Skullfucked Planet

with James Howard Kunstler

This month’s free-for-all Jobcast is with old Apocalypso cohort Jim Kunstler, for which we get into Jim’s modus operandi of communications, cryptomatriarchies, mass formation psychosis & civilization’s suicide, incompetence vs. malevolence, the relationship between humor and unhappiness, CIA & expressionism & and the dedicated agencies of mindfuckery, Jim’s being cancelled for frank talk, the easy way to deter woke attack, tracking the ergot of evil through history, a transhumanist nirvana without an outlet, the madness of magical thinking, back to the land with baby steps, society as a scientistic cult, a genocidal “vaccine” plan, the industrialized medical idiocy of US health care (c.f. Jim’s doctor), Young Man Blues & Jim’s dark adolescence, Jim’s theater days & Marat/Sade, Jacobin-Bolshevic reality-disordering over the ages, searching the satanic principle behind clown-world.

To be continued . . . ?

Jim on Substack.

Songs: “Golden Apple” & “He Doesn’t Mind It,” by Cullah; “Orlando:” by Rick Bain.

Children of Job: Where Faith & Hubris Meet
Jobcast: Fathoming God
Exegeting Religion & Excreting the BS