I’ve no set religions beliefs, and I’ll forever be undecided about God, but I’m really enjoying getting to know your mind. Like many independents I’m reading around the world, I’d like to be able to just plug in, like in the movie Matrix, downloading everything all at once to save time, but voluntarily, without the nefarious controls currently being evolved in reality, of course.

I think most writers and artists, past and present, have always done their very best evolving greatness when they never torment themselves about what their fans & followers are thinking, or how they receive or perceive their work. Just do. I understand the convenience & help of getting feedback, but never forget how times have changed against our will; that some of our followers (overseers) are bots or synthetic, vaxxed, soulless man-trolls with twisted minds who’d like most of us to disappear. Independent, intelligent thinking people are “their” greatest threat, which of course is why they’re trying so hard to kill off the majority great minds with war and the Vaxx—so to more easily track and control the remaining soulless sheep with neuro-implants. This is not a theory or delusion, but a reality few are still either unwilling or incapable of comprehending.

I’ve a concept, even a natural sense of ever-lasting energy attached to what is perhaps the human soul, but my atypical mind does not allow for emotionally-morphed beliefs of unsubstantiated sudo-science certainties, such as those who insist with shaming punishments that pathogens we evolved with over the past one millions years are suddenly out to kill us—the overpopulated—so get vaxxed…to save the too many, the Eugenicists insist? Same with those who insist God or aliens are real, take on human-like forms, are male or female… It’s all really beyond me, emotional beliefs, but I do have a very close relationship with God’s twin sister, Mother Nature, and thrive when allowed to evolve human-nature-elemented logical science methodologies via free, honest exchange & competition.

Human civilizations and their emotional-beliefs vs. intelligent-understandings are of great interest to me as I do my research, probe “normal” intelligent minds and try to finish some of my own works, particularly my economic & war encyclopedia, as well as some of my unfinished Sci-Fi. I’ve such a difficult time focusing on just one project at a time, but your thoughts and ideas I’m discovering, like many I subscribe to on substack, are a calming break, helping me concentrate more on what I believe to be most important—ending madness caused by manmade weapons; psy-ops, the fraud of overpopulation & scarcity, unnatural militarized weather events & disease and the bullshit bloody war against all life—real or imagined.

If you add another pay link, such as “buy me a coffee” (I use several) I’d drop you a donation from time to time. Like many, I can’t stand having auto-subscriptions to worry about, but I would like to have access to all of your work and send you tips now and again. Consider it. I’d like to contribute to see your project(s) do well; your literature and farm.

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glad to meet you; substack does seem to be serving a function in bringing like minds together

I did have a buy me a coffee but i got rid of it; PP works for donations

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Just want to comment to say I listened, and enjoy your speaking as always. You're a light in my life, even if I don't participate, and I'm sure you have plenty of silent listeners out there like me. Keep on truckin'!

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Thankyou for another thought provoking and different broadcast. Different for me anyway! I need to stretch my mind and in that way I may calm my soul. They say great minds think alike and I was only just pondering what being a Jew means when you touched on the subject. My mind is not as great as yours but at least I am in the same ball park!

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It's in the zeitgeist!

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Maybe I should watch the film/documentary of the same name!

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It's not Hell in the afterlife that I dread. The apparent eternity of it must eventually lead to God (*disclaimer), the wait is the result of our chosen state of being. It's this particular hell that I'm experiencing which concerns me, because it's short lived and time is running out. Always was. It's knowing that I don't know what my purpose is, while knowing there's no time to waste. This temporal test might be intended to be hellish. It might be Hell. Not knowing how to read the signs makes me furious and forlorn. Enduring is failing. Perhaps it's part of the process (*disclaimer).

Lost the capacity to care for esotericism. Can't entertain it passionately despite making a concerted effort in this instance. Not dissing it, just no longer my jug of moonshine. Suares makes some decent points.

Wish I was Jewish or Hindu. All I'd have to do is observe the rituals and then go about my merry way. The community would be happy and I could pretend to be moral, which, surely is Godly! Pin myself down with observing the Law and forget that my soul has a purpose independent of the community I was born in. If I stumbled I could grasp for a branch, not of an olive but of a different interpretation of the Law (*disclaimer).

Religion, philosophy, occultism or an esoteric teaching might be a lot like being born into a family which supports a particular sports club or choosing to support a different one but the same sport. It's not worth our time. Splitting hairs over religious texts is like dissecting the best formation your team should play while sitting in the stands.

Something deeply disconcerting about endlessly picking apart and attempting to comprahend religious texts. Whether we denounce them or try to understand them. They no longer feel like a foundation, but a red herring. There must be be something readily available for the uninitiated and the illiterate aming us which can serve the needs of this life (*disclaimer)..

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Enjoyed this. Thanks + God bless.

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