let's have a men's zoom at 3pm your time (10 EST) sometime.

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i've got the times screwed up. i meant 3pm EST 10pm GMT

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In bed by then

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noon, 7pm your time?

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Yes that time is ideal; can you email with a few details about yourself, since AFAIK we haven't met before

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i'm 73, a writer, translator, teacher, lived in moscow, tashkent cairo before retreating to toronto, where i'm from. i heard your interview with kevin barrett. it struck a chord. my brother's a steiner fan. i went from marxist to muslim. celibate.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23Liked by Jasun Horsley

"Love of Christ is your armor" struck me as an inspiring and beautiful statement which seems original, in that I could not find that exact quote on Google. If you care to elaborate, can you recall anything else from that dream and the context in which it came, as well as what the words meant to you (apart from what you relate in the above text)?

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I liked its dual meaning, our love for Christ and Christ's love for us.

I understood/stand it as being both that Christ/unconditional-love (inc. for one's enemies) precludes the need for armor, while at the same time being a form of perfect protection, perhaps in the way armor that shines brightly reflects whatever comes at it back at the other (reminiscent of how Jason slew the Medusa, a timely myth for this post).

I had no recall of any dream content that led to the phrase; that was all I retained, & perhaps it was all I needed.

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Jul 22Liked by Jasun Horsley

Svali's new book "Never Give Up" details her attachment training in the Jesuit Order from pre-birth to twelve years old (before she became a trainer herself). Her step-by-step account of how they installed False Fathers into her human heart and mind makes an excellent de-programming manual for anyone wanting to de-couple from any kind of brotherhood betrayal.

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Jul 21Liked by Jasun Horsley

That's some good stuff brother.


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Not totally Marvel, but the gospel of Luke (12:48): From everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required, and from the one to whom much has been entrusted, even more will be demanded.

Stan Lee just updated it 12:48

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Jul 23Liked by Jasun Horsley

Great post that gives voice to many things I’ve felt. I love this:

“it is tautological that there are no benign celebrities, because no “counter-cultural” celebrity becomes one without being enabled by the culture they are supposed to be countering, and because having a high body-count of fans means parasocial relationships are multiplying, and parasocial relationships are finally empty and without soul, because they are one-way connections.”

My sentiments exactly! I’d love to do a podcast on the topics expressed here. Let me know what you think (or feel).

Brian in BC

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hi Brian; it was BC where we had the thrift store; I might be interested in a convo & appreciate that you seem to relate so strongly to my theory there; but - FYI I am strongly opposed to psychedelics & their promotion, so that could be a stumbling block (to use a Biblical term)... See here for my reasons: https://auticulture.com/blog/2016/10/27/the-serpents-promise/

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I don’t see why that should get in the way…I’ve never promoted psychedelics, and have advocated for more caution and pulling back on their use for “therapy” for many years. I’ll send you an email and we can chat about doing a pod.

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OK! But "Depth psychological perspectives on culture, therapy & psychedelics" as tag-line sounded like promo to me. Did you read the article? Curious what you reckon

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I’ll give it a read

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21Liked by Jasun Horsley

funny how synchronicities work: today, i received a message in my hotmail account listing a # of substack.com writers i currently follow/subscribe to (you, of course, being 1 of them); and, subsequent, to clicking on JH's substack.com link, i observed the following embedded link/post: 'A Different Take on the Donald Trump Chaos', by Mathew Crawford; who, by the by, in said writing, alludes to JH as someone he was happy to see pointing the way to a narrative that makes sense of the senseless of said scenario (i.e.., 'The Cognitive Divides and the Cognitive Conquers'). Now, up to this point i could definitely see most people not interpreting this as much of a coincidence/synchronicity as it could be simply passed off as 1 substack.com writer referencing another who, in kind, compliments the former for his percipient prose. However, what really incited me to believe i was a part of a synchronicitous event was when i recalled the name of the author-cum-book i'm currently reading via kindle, namely, 'Shop Class as Soul Craft', by Matthew Crawford (note the spelling of his first name, i.e., two 't's' as opposed to 1 for the other; and, moreover, i assume 2 different people) - and concomitant content, i.e., a strong recommendation for man to return to the arts/crafts for the renascence of the mind-body-soul connection; which, coincidentally enough, is exactly the topic of your most recent post/piece on substack.com (i.e., 'Love's Armor')! Now that's something to take notice of; and give appreciation to/too!! Thanks Jasun; and have a great day!!! RGB-Y4 out!!!

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and in a sort of anti-sync, the second Matthew Crawford posted recently about how "real" and stirring the sight of DJT getting up after taking a hit was.... : /

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A prelim meet for newbs, Oz-friendly time is set for this Saturday at 9 am Spanish time (look it up). A second meet may happen next week, mid-week, at 7 pm Spanish. Let me know if interested.

Meetings will be on Jitsi, nothing is needed to join. Drug & alcohol abstinence of 24 hours before is required.



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For whatever reason, the first wave of interest came from down under, so I am planning a meeting at 9 am my time, which is 8 pm NZ time... midnight Pacific time; it might be this Sat, or any day next week, for the prelim meet; guys-only for now

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Already received a couple of requests for an Oz-friendly meet up, so that would need to be morning time in Spain.

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There can be no good women until there are good men: Eve only tempted Adam because Adam wasn’t keeping Eve in check. - or perhaps Adam should take some responsibility for his own actions? maybe Adam was a 'soyboy', while Eva was an alpha female? Just a thought. Namaste.

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A simpified thought

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or femystified one if from a female

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alpha female sounds like an oxymoron; aren't women the omega?

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could be. perhaps original Eve was trans?

anyhow, is there any way I could purchase a book directly from you? I'm interested in 'Dark Oasis'.

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I really enjoyed your conversation with Sarah Hart, btw. (and yes, you are right: simplified and femystified thought indeed).

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(in a physical format tho)

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it's possible but probably not worth it unless you are in Europe, or wealthy, as Spanish post is so costly

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I do live in Europe (Italy)! How expensive would this be? Thanks.

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Many great and important points to consider, thank you. Growing up I dreamed of running to the woods to live in a cabin away from 'society'. And many are returning to a farming lifestyle, which I think is fantastic as well. Myself, I gave up my car and started biking around town again and love it. I'm going back to school for civil engineering after developing a passion for Urbanism and urban planning. I've done so much physical labour, and it can be a great meditation to quit the mind, and zone out on the rhythms of work. You sleep well too with no guilt for being lazy. But I'd rather use my brain instead of wear myself out more for little reward. Cities are part of nature as well though. Man is nature, we are part of Mother Earth, extensions of her, acting as spiritual antenna receivers for her. Cities are our greatest creation. Car dependency, especially the oil industry is not harmonious though, obviously, destroying our great cities. So I want to be a part of fixing society, bringing nature based solutions to city designs, getting people out of cars and walking more, interacting in community, and encouraging more sustainability and self-sufficiency. We will make cities more walkable, amazing places to live, designed for humans not transhumanist avatar car pods. There's this feminine tendency to condemn the greater creations of the masculine intellect, the great art, architecture, and somehow we've been convinced digging up potatoes is more noble and spiritual than writing an exemplary thesis that inspires many. This is nothing more than seduction of the female, Eve, tempting us to serve her world, worship her body as god. I hid my mind by engaging in physical labour jobs most of my life to protect my spirit I guess in some way. Now I have more confidence using it to engage with the world. And yes, these lame father archetypes are a deliberate strategy, Jordan Peterson makes millions a year thanks to Juice contracts; he basically shames young men to do better, which pushes the female-supremacist, materialistic imperative. Notice he never criticizes women. Otto Weininger wrote an epic chapter detailing the likeness of women to Juice. Matter, represented by femaleness is naturally opposed to Spirit represented in maleness as the intellect. Even all these NeoTradBroz are still a slave to matter, their materialistic urges to mate and reproduce, live a good life. Jesus said worry about the spirit, not the world. We are the hands of God, and here to do good on Earth, but spirit is eternal, physicalness falls away. You can touch a soul for eternity, but the tree you planted will one day be no more. I see all this physical work as tests of the spirit, friction, to light us up and stir growth, so it's not all a bad thing. I used to be so conflicted feeling like a slave to the world, the economy, but I understand how we can use our physical struggles to strengthen our spiritual natures. We're not 'trapped' here, we're here to grow and use the physical experience to enrich our spirits. We are a bit crazy though being hybridized as a human creation, but the aliens are tweaking that up a bit more now since the 50's and increasingly so to help us not be so possessed by our lower reptilian brains and hormones leading to so much thoughtless war.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Author

Meh. Did you have to end on aliens? Pls read Prisoner of Infinity & get back. ;)

Also “walkable cities” is straight out of the WEF great reset playbook. Cities are the devil’s invention - read your Bible! (or listen to latest Jobcast)

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Jul 22Liked by Jasun Horsley

Yeah I'm beyond that limited interpretation of the fear of the coming changes. I have a more enlightened perspective about our shift towards more city life than typical conspiracists. Most of the fears people have of a negative future are shadow projections, their unconscious is perceiving wavelengths of reality and slowly making them aware, maybe in dreams, or anxious fears projected towards the future. I remember reading some of those Prisoner articles when you wrote them, I'll check back. But simply, it's important to understand the vessel through which you are perceiving reality through in order to see clearly, so if some of us are more hybridized, that's important to consider. Most of the Old Testament is about the devil, and I don't worship a book; to worship physical things like books, man-made things is to worship idols, which is satanic too. We can tune into the proper spirit behind the words if we contain that spirit in ourselves, but many are worshipping translated words blindly. Cities are where we come together and express the best humanity has to offer. Mother Earth created us so we can express ourselves in divine and spiritual ways. I'm also in favour of the trend towards decentralization thanks to technology, but it's really the suburban sprawl infrastructure designed for car-dependency that makes cities hell, as well as drain the economy and energy of people. Cities only seem bad now because people living off them as parasites in the suburban neighbourhoods, the true welfare queens that can't pay for their own infrastructure, which is causing economic collapse. The Boomer car-centric lifestyle never was sustainable, we're just picking up the tab now, it's hitting people's wallets making them finally wake up a bit. Technology will save much labour though and generate a lot of wealth that we need to fix things. Cycling, walkable cities like Amsterdam are conducive for better well-being and human development. If the WEF reset book mentions something, it's not necessarily bad; having to drive a half hour to the grocery store is not more freedom than having all your amenities a short walk or bike ride away without the dangerous vehicles, noise, and pollution ruining the urban environment and severing the natural social connections of local community. Plus, no taxes, licensing, insurance, safety certificates, registration, having to offer papers on the street, no identifying badge or plate... bikes are more for individual freedom than cars, which also depend on government-subsidized infrastructure. It's also just basic nature balancing herself out so we exist in more efficient and sustainable ways. The GHG argument is simply a distilled rallying point for the masses, it's the truth dumbed down to such a low-level that all people can grasp the essential meaning and contribute in a positive way, to simply consider their impact on the world around them, and learn to make more sacrifices, transcending this outdated capitalistic narcissism we've been indoctrinated into. In another sense, GHG causing potential earth cataclysm is symbolic of the psychic pollution we emit in the earth's etheric body, the demiurge or world soul you could say, and if she needs to teach us the hard way she'll give us more cataclysms and disasters, but if we're on the higher spiritual path, she can manifest a more pleasant environment for us. Shifting people's attitudes to being less narcissistic and considering the well-being of thee earth, animals, and other humans is a positive spiritual change, pleasing the gods. Jesus was Communist too in a sense, the Essenes handed in all their possessions, and would go to whoever needed something. Jesus also taught how being poor is a blessing, and those who find the spirit are so happy they sell everything, which ironically resonates well with 'own nothing, be happy' (which was only a random idea from some Danish woman who wrote one article, not their essential motto.

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not a communist, no... my kingdom not of this world.

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Jul 24Liked by Jasun Horsley

Just in the sense of giving up your possessions to the Essene community for those who need the items, sharing the bare necessities. You could say 'communitarian' or something else about community. They give up the world, the physical world of matter, for the higher spiritual world of enlightened consciousness.

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and that may be the least (easiest) of what they give up for the kingdom,of God

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