My 8,000 word piece that formed the basis of the Porto event presentation is now online as a feature article of the first issue of Cultural Engineering Studies magazine (print edition next year). It is called The Moviegoer: Violence, Identity Formation, the Maternal Psyche, & Nihilistic Dream Worlds.
The official link to the Higherside Chats episode is here (the free segment there is different from the one here, where I have simply cut the interview in half). If you bother to create an account, you will also find a bunch of comments about my appalling British accent & how I am the worst guest Greg ever had on his show, as well as some positive things. A truly divided response!1
To hear two appallingly mellow British accents, my talk with Luke Dodson is now up, on the Trump psyop, the Patrix, discerning levels of competency among the social engineers, and a summation of our retreat experience in Galicia with an eye towards another this autumn. Contact either me or Luke if you are interested.
I also discussed “The Moviegoer” yesterday with Bill Ramsey for William Ramsey Investigates. Audio download here.
The week before that, I also talked to Bill and Roberta Glass about “The Ambiguous World of Documentarian Andrew Jarecki,” about my 4-part series on Jarecki, Dursts, & the Friedmans. You can download that here.