Have you read 'Passovers of Blood'? A very interesting book on a similar topic which essentially argues for the reality of at least certain Jewish blood rituals in the Middle Ages. The 'blood libel' seems to have been dismissed in a similarly lazy and circular fashion as SRI but the author of the book - a Jew himself - goes through the evidence from the trials and shows how unlikely much of the verbal evidence was to have been invented by the inquisitors (given the inclusion of many terms that would have been utterly incomprehensible to them and useless to their narrative). Although of course the use of torture in such cases has massively complicated things and made it easy to dismiss such evidence.

I think you are completely right that a lot of this stuff continues to happen because it is simply too dark to believe for most people and they would prefer to protect their view of the world instead of look at the implications even when a case is proved and plastered all over the media (i.e Saville)

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I havent read it, tho Ron Unz has written about her blood libel and cited a couple of sources I now have on the hard drive.

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I'd definitely recommend it, very thorough if a bit dry and essentially removes all doubts that at least something highly sinister was going on throughout Europe at the time!

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Where is the top photo from?

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I used to know the answer to that but no longer….

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It's a plaque at the Palazzo Salvadori in Trent, Italy conveying the murder of Simon of Trent by the hands of Jews.

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To anyone who appreciates this thread, I strongly recommend 'The Vice of Kings'.

On a different note, as important as it is to (un)cover this topic, it feels like you are picking at a wound. More so then when I first encountered Auti.

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Just dotting some eyes and crossing some Taus

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A close friend of mine was a victim of multi -generational satanic ritual abuse. The details are surreally evil.

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The fact that such crimes are not unbelievable by Christians is another logical reason for the rulers to undermine Christianity in their "Great Re-set"/Agenda 2021.

Similarly, the fact that the "pandemic" was not real is again too big of a stretch for many minds.

They are coolly playing games with our minds while toying with our bodies if we succumb to their stories.

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deletedJun 11
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Jun 11·edited Jun 11

For more Australia SRA & MK background, here are links to "Eyes Wide Open", Fiona Barnett's exhaustively referenced first-hand account of high level SRA & MK Ultra in Australia and beyond. Cathy Fox has written that Fiona Barnett has retreated from public speaking and writing lately, and may have inactivated her site? Her story mirrors many of those in other countries, with the major difference being that she names names with dates and corroborating evidence. Bold as Love. Props to Fiona.

Appartently her book is now under review on amazon. She maintained a free pdf version on her own website, and has also released a free pdf 2020 "lockdown version" linked below.

Here's the amazon link to a kincle version, in case it's helpful to read the reviews: https://www.amazon.com/Eyes-Wide-Open-Authentic-Barnett-ebook/product-reviews/B08P9WPD3D/ref=cm_cr_dp_d_show_all_btm?ie=UTF8&reviewerType=all_reviews

Free pdf download of the 2020 updated version: https://www.amazon.com/Eyes-Wide-Open-Authentic-Barnett-ebook/product-reviews/B08P9WPD3D/ref=cm_cr_dp_d_show_all_btm?ie=UTF8&reviewerType=all_reviews

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The Imagination Podcast does a good job outlining the symmetey and adds volume to these cases that once seemed quite lone.

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